302: Guess Who's Coming to Dinner

All the Popes men; A Bimbo on the Loose
Shonda; it was a little slow girl, sometimes confusing, but I get it, you’re filling me in on the relationship between Liv and Poppa Pope; Liv and Huck; a little of how she met David, and pinch about Mr. Senator the Edison, oh yes, a snippet of Cyrus was in there as well. I caught it girl!  You covered a lot of information and answered some questions, but now I have even more! I also have a creepy suspicion you’re going to set me up!

Who’s Your Daddy?
Bucking Huck! You’re back, all broody and moody to boot. OK, rule number one, it’s never OK to put your hands on Liv, dude, (or any woman for that matter) dayam! She was the one who rescued you from your underground palace. You are kind of even; you saved her life, and she in return saved yours.  Huck, you were the go to, the guy, the rock, now you’re reverting back to the guy who takes “very little effort to kill and (feels a)  lot of joy doing so”. Don’t go back to Wonderland, they might just throw you back down that rabbit hole! The apple fell a little farther from this tree than you think, Command is Command; and Olivia is Olivia.  It took a long time for you to trust again, Liv is good people, she has your back and always did. What’s next, you’re going to put Command in the hole? That would be hysterical!

Not so Bright!
You’re a strong man Edison; a Fine Senator but roommate material only; a fiancĂ© for a fleeting second or two. She used you, and you’re a little too serious for Liv. Evidently you weren’t the guy for the job from the giddy-up according to Daddy-dearest. A broken leg or two and a collar bone, a broken heart and an empty bed? Someone with your fine (did I say fine?) stature and standing should know better and do better. Doesn’t this puzzle you that all if this pain came in missile projectiles from the direction of one woman? You are on the Senatorial Intelligence committee, need I remind you to get an investigation going? Figure it out, once you do, maybe I’ll put you back on the contenders list. BTW, you know she had no intentions of doing that matrimonial thing with you. You do know that, right?

Balls of confusion
Mellie; there you go again, playing with someone else’s balls, i.e.;  that two million dollars you almost spent, now where was it coming from the FLOTUS account, or your baby’s trust fund? That’s a small price to pay to stay in power wouldn’t you say? Oh BTW Mel, when WAS the last time you saw them? You know the balls? Cyrus;  Let’s make a deal, which door is it going to be, number one or number two? How presidential are my balls now Cy? Excuse me, that’s hysterical laughter caught in my throat!!!

Fitz; you are enigmatic, charismatic, romantic, pragmataic and I feel like locking you in an attic! Don’t you have a country to run? You are doing everything else but that!! OK, you actually played basketball with the Dali Llama but you fantasized with your mistress about being the Mayor and half of a biracial duo in Vermont. Yes, and she makes jelly! Jelly???  Why couldn’t she crochet sweaters or something? “You’re the one I wanna call”, you quip to her; you’re the most powerful man in the free world and you cannot have what you want.  I digress. You are bragging, rather lying to try to convince the VEEP about shagging an intern “six ways to Sunday all over the White House” AND about how in doing so and confessing your public will forgive you.  Sally’s body language got caught up in your web momentarily as you were only a breath away and delivered the news to her in a slimey-sexy-your-ass-could-be-next-if-you-play-your cards right, kind of way.  She looked like she needed a cigarette after that exchange!  I know I did! Nice rip on Mellie and the Bean about how horrible it was to thrown this innocent young girl under the bus. Hold on; wait a minute; let me put some truth up in it!!  You did an about face and tossed the poor child under the bus yourself because your Side Piece yelled at you! There I said it! She reminded you that there was a reason you aren’t married to her and have four kids. You are the POTUS and ORDERED you to get her ex-lover out from the hands of the Dark Father.  So what do you do? You pick up your presidential balls  tuck them between your own tail, and do what she tells you to do, when you’re done, you throw them up in Cy’s face. OK, Fitz, there is something really truly broken about you.  I don’t know who can fix it, I don’t know if Remington is the source, but we know that’s going to heat up. Oh, BTW you do realize Jake is gonna get some of that cake before you even think about frosting it! I don’t know whether to slap you or laugh at you!

Bimbo on the loose
Janine – you poor pitiful pawn. Is everybody stupid at the White House? You knew Fitz was having an affair and no one snooped? You mean to tell me there was no one that could have seen Olivia and POTUS there together? Really?  Great career choice claiming something that you’re not.  Hey, I have Monica’s number on speed dial, just in case you want to call for career advice.  At the end of the day you’re telling me you will fake the affair for two million dollars in exchange for your reputation? That’s the going rate these days? 2 million in a Cayman account tax free, might as well profit off it? Aaaaah noooo!  You’re  a fake “knock off” who is no longer relevant. Good luck with that book deal.  Okay?

Some six foot somebody
Jake; ok, you’re back. You’re broken. I’m looking forward to seeing if you will be good Jake or bad Jake. Now that we know who you are and who you work for, surely you didn’t know you were playing pokem with the boss’ daughter?

MOB; Rowan; Command; Poppa Pope; Eli aka the BEAST
Your face has many names, now you have a new description (albeit self-defined); “Mastodon, a solitary creature with sharper teeth than its cousin the mammoth gets all the glory the Mastodon is a far more dangerous beast. “  Sound familiar? No? Look in the mirror!!! I must say from the flashbacks I can see how controlling you have to be with everything you put your hands on; you can’t control your daughter though, can you? You control B-613 who apparently does not serve The President, and according to the Bean, no world leader would want you as their enemy!  How insanely crazy was it to see you in your Cliff Huxtable sweaters, with almost a whisper of a voice, the cooking, the doting, introducing fine wine to your darling daughter, expressing love and pride towards your sweet girl.  (BTW is she your only child?)   You look so much like you were trying to make a good impression. (or you needed some fiber in your diet!) I almost bought it until you turned into the control freakum BEAST that you are! “I’m your father, so I’ m going to explain to you how you are to behave in my presence. (BEHAVE? Really?)  You do not ask questions that you cannot handle the answer to; you do not make judgments about things you cannot imagine; you don’t know me that way, you don’t ever want to know me that way, but if you push you will know me well, (Sounds like a threat!) and that would break my heart (But you don’t have one!) because I’m enjoying these Sunday dinners that you make me pay for.”  Damn, was she four or twenty four?  OK, to her knowledge and by your admission, you have maimed at least three men she was close to. It seems to me the least you should do is pick up the tab for dinner; especially since you don’t quite qualify for Father of the Year! “We are family sweetie; we are never done. “   (Where is the rest of the family?) You made more than one reference to “extortion” in reference to Liv; I’m wondering, what does she have on you Dark Father Void of Soul? *in my James Brown voice* “ I don’t know, but whatsoever it is, it’s gotta be Funkay!!!

I’m down with OCP, Yeah You Know Me!
Olivia Carol Pope! That’s what your mom called you when you got in trouble didn’t she?  I’m looking forward to meeting her, I know she’s lurking in the wings somewhere, I KNOW she’s not dead. It’s not possible.  I’m thinking she’s an uber sexy and equally controlling type who has the upper hand over your dad. I know you something on your dad and I’m thinking your mom got pregnant with Harrison by another man and was voted off the island by the Dark Father. Hey, he had the power to send you anywhere in the world, right? Why not ship Mama Pope out?  We know you got your love of fine wines from your dad that’s not all you got is it?  You is Kind. You is Smart. You is Important. You is Crazy!!! Now that you got Jake back, what the hell do you think are you going to do with him introduce him to daddy? Daddy already saw how he introduced himself to you! LOL! You have a little bit control freak in you too, don’t you?  I like it, don’t get me wrong; last season you were pouty and whiney, and waiting, and you were wearing my nerves down. This year, I’m not sure who you HAVEN”T YELLED AT! Don’t get me wrong girl, you are the Queen of the Gladiators, but maybe you need a plumber clanging on those pipes again! You like the dark and twisty lost soul of a guy, yet you are also drawn to power.  You want to save the world, a little bit at a time. I must say you look fabulous while doing it, I need to know this, where do you get your coats???? You clearly have issues with the truth and with your dad.  Take some free advice, ok remove all the cameras from your house; don’t fall in love; don’t take in any more strays, and for heaven’s sake, find a reason not to do those Sunday dinners with your dad. They creep ME out! You should have stayed on the plane girl, I’m feeling some kind of way about this season.

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