307: Everything's Coming Up Mellie

Scandalmongers, last night’s episode was 12 out of 10 heartbeats! The themes of Daddy issues and the lack of family values just exploded. Now I have more questions than ever! 

She’s Alive!

Welcome Momma Pope to ShondaLand! Goodness knows what part you will play, but from what little I see, you can still manipulate the cold heart of Poppa Pope. You will do what it takes to reunite with your baby girl, I hope it won’t be too late! Too many questions, I know I had a hard time breathing when I saw you. I can’t imagine what will happen when Baby girl sees you! You’re the next story untold. Hmm, since you’re alive and all, any chance you had another kid, a boy maybe? Mr. Wright? OK, a girl can hope, right?

Redemption and Revelation

Poppa Pope: Your revelations are growing, but you’ve sort of been redeemed, so far. Now, consider this; you have the ultimate power, but what you don’t have is the power to make your baby girl happy. You know it. You can’t disclose it. You are the King of Secrets. You are the Master Monster Manipulator. You lead her to believe that you are said monster; that horrible murderer that even she should be very afraid. You lead her to believe looking over her shoulder would be hazardous to her health because you let her believe someone may be gaining on her to destroy her. YOU! Your tears last week were because you separated mother and daughter, not because you mourned your wife’s death. You could have taken Liv to her mom and they would have lived somewhere else in the world, but no. You sent your daughter to boarding school soon after the crash. She never again lived in the family house. No comforting; no love; no home; just financial support was what she received from you. All she ever wanted was for you to love her. For years you manipulated her. She showed up for those uncomfortable and creepy Sunday dinners didn’t she? OK, I was right about you Poppa Pope you didn’t kill Momma Pope, but you knew she was hidden away as a prisoner? Why? Was she the one with the “dirty bomb?” So, now we know that Liv is 32 years old. For 15 or so of the last 20 years, you’ve spent trying to be both mom and dad to baby girl; you love her that much. You didn’t want her to get with Fitz because he would eventually lead her to the truth. You have a LOOOT of explaining to do Popi!!! Do you love your wife? I’m kind of hoping you don’t. God knows if you do these things to the people you love, I’m glad I’m not counted in that minority. We’re going to have to send you back to the factory for reprogramming; that’s that. There has definitely been a major malfunction here. I just don’t get you. Your mystery grows every week!

Little Girl You are going to need Therapy!

OCP just lay down on my couch sweetie and relax. Hug sensitive are we? I know you’re still that little girl that misses her mom. The hugs are reserved for her. They are much appreciated though, right? It is sort of an acceptance of others in your life. If love was money, you’re spending in the wrong places to get a return on your investment. Your passion is spent making others happy. You are good at it, don’t get me wrong but you do so much for others to make them whole, yet you have an emotional hole that can’t be filled. Get in touch with that little girl and hug her Liv, it’s all you can do. Start filling up girl. You’re really fragile right now and you need to be strong. Love is something that once you have it true and strong, nothing better will come along. Your love for Momma Pope didn’t die. I believe you honored her in all the ways you possibly could. You’re going to see momma again. So when you get released from me committing you to St. Elizabeth’s after THAT revelation; will you please use your inside voice? You’re so going to scream; or you might just faint! I know your response is going to be epic. Hell, you may just deny it’s her to protect yourself! I’m glad I didn’t see too much of your whine and wine drinking this week. I could deal with the yelling, it wasn’t misplaced. White hats are on Prima Gladiator; for you they would go over a cliff. If that isn’t love, I don’t know what is. That’s your family, accept the love. Get your ROI. Fill up.

Loose Lips lead to Ravaged hips?

Jerkoff Gerry aka Daddy Dumbass. OK, if you weren’t dead, I’d send Huck out for some whiskey! You twick fisted suck! How unfathomable! You ramble on revealing top secret information to which less than two dozen people in the WORLD were privy to and then commit sexual assault without skipping a beat? You are too nasty for words. In what world is it EVER ok to rape your son’s wife? Your power and chits can be collected in Congress; not with your family they owe you nothing, least of all loyalty. Fitz’s indifference towards you is justified. I have to now look at your son and his wife in a whole different light.


I loved the two of you together when you were newly married. Your love was young, innocent voracious. Mellie, I could see the aspiration in your face even then. Fitz, you always had that indifference. Boy, not much has changed. You still have the passion for one another, that hasn’t changed. It’s something else this week. It’s clear when you two are on the same team and in sync, nothing can beat you. Kudos to you Fitz for standing by your woman! You are the man; you took charge. It came off as kind of sexy, yeah and cool. Mellie, thanks for letting him, you know, wear the pants. You did well as well. You batted those big beautiful puppy dog eyes of innocence while looking Fitz as if he was the last bone on earth. Those same eyes stared back at the camera to the American people beckoning them to love you. Alas they fell in love with you all over again.
Fitz and Mellie Hold Hands in Scandal Season 3, Episode 7

Mellie rises from the Ashes

Girl you are on fire! I’m not quite Team Mellie, but I feel you. I’ve thrown compliments your way before, but each week, you tickle the hell out of me. You are way too entertaining for words, but “honey hush!” this week you’ve outdone yourself haven’t you? Where are you from again? California? Tennessee? Ok, who is YOUR daddy? I know he owns a shotgun! I’m thinking a Daddy’s girl like yourself would have certainly run to him right after the incident with Gerry that you will no longer mention and it would have been handled. You won’t mention it again, but how could you live with the possible evidence from that violent act? That’s a secret I don’t even want that to come out. It seems as a bit of your shine may have been lost, as all that glitters is not gold. Thanks to your verve; resilience, and sheer determination, you find a way to stay on top, don’t you? Brava Girlie! We can get into your son’s lineage when it’s relevant, right now it’s just too damned creepy. Hmmph -I’m done with that. No judgment here honey; I haven’t walked in your pumps, don’t want to do that, they’re too big.

What he didn’t know

Kept in the dark a lot Sir? Sorry Fitz, your bubble is bursting all over the place, it’s just you don’t know it. Your son may be your brother. Snap. Rowan/Command is Liv’s Poppa. Crackle. You think you killed Liv’s mom, but you didn’t. Pop. The truth about operation Remington is about to “conveniently” come out and Liv will be the only that may choose one to save you. Fizzzzzz!… So Mr. President, (I call you that when I give you the respect of being a human being) I appreciate the fact that you care enough to call your sidepiece and check on her. You do care…aw, how nice! Tsk, you’re going to have to lay off for a while on that. So, I’m going to wait until you tell Cyrus that Command is Mr. Pope; the one that ordered you to shoot the plane down because of evidence of dirty bombs aboard. You saved a great portion of England, but you cannot take credit for it because this country sacrificed over 300 lives to do it. No wonder you break out in a cold sweat when people bring up your military record. So, this is what I want you to do. Be Presidential. Take responsibility. Run the country, stop fighting with Command. You have no jurisdiction over B613; he doesn’t report to you, that has been made clear to you on so many occasions (I have a feeling that ship is going to come down all on its own) Take a page out of the book of your dear FLOTUS, your queen; make her sparkle by giving her something she can feel, friendship is a very good start.

Quinn down The Rabbit Hole

Silly Alice – welcome to Wonderland. I told you about being an adrenaline junkie! So you got tempted, didn’t you? I told you it wasn’t what it was cracked up to be. Now you are where you are, B613 owns your sorry little ass. Charlie? Really? You let that spineless jerk seduce you into this life? Please? You played right into their hands, killing what appeared to be the only lead that would give Liv clues to what happened to Momma Pope! You are the fly in the ointment right now. I can say this, your time in B613 won't be long, Command is going down somehow, and Huck, I think he’s got his eyes on you; don’t you think he’s going to smell the stink of the agency all over you?


You’re scum.


Sorry about this; Flushhhhhhhhhh! What was that you ask? Your Career! You didn’t listen!!! Barbara Walter sized balls! I’m so done with you.


If you would have shown up to my estate looking the way you did, like a deranged trained circus monkey, I would have given you a banana and shown you the way out. Your hair was too much of a distraction in the flashback. I could have given you a better weave, I don’t have my weaveology degree, but I have a really nice curly lace front that would have done you more justice than your attempt to look like the Beatles. All of them. Simultaneously! The way you looked at Mellitz was like a cannibal testing to see if you were too “PO” to eat, I was waiting for you to pinch her cheeks. (Sidebar; my beloved Grandma considered you “PO” if you had no meat on your bones. Don’t ak like y’all don’t know!) You’re so busy trying to get some dirt on Danny boy, some dirt flew in your direction. Now you have to deal with James. He wants to kill you and make love to you at the same time; I would ask the question but God knows I don’t want to know the answer! Anyway after he has been used as the human toilet of the show, I’m afraid a little soap and water may not be enough to clean his mess up. You might try a squishy Asian baby this time. BTW, you had a WIFE??? *Just fainted!*

Sally the Shield

Who knew your dutiful hubby was pitching for the other team or does he do dual duty? Your quest to become President even as an Independent is going to be Epic. Huge! Big Mistake! (In my Pretty Woman voice) I’m giggling with delight to see what Cyrus and Mellie have in store for the two of you.


I’d like to say something I forgot to say earlier. You’re nasty scum.

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