314: Kiss Kiss Bang Bang

 Dirty little secrets are a mere myth in Scandaland; they dont exist! It's just open brazenity (yeah I made it up!) Just about everybody knows where all the bodies are buried, but no one knows how to get to them or what to do about them, lest you get added to the pile, just ask James … keep your secrets to yourself Scandalmongers!

RIP James

Wow, Shonda, darn you for making me feel some kind of way last night. OK, let’s take a moment to honor the fabulous, crazy, witty, aggravating mess of a journalist that was James Novak, beloved husband of Cyrus Beane.  A beautiful back story was revealed on how James and Cyrus met, courted, fell in love and became one. Cyrus, your story was beautiful. You were clearly brave and caught off guard by a witty, charming, wisp of a guy who was sometimes the gnat you would swipe away from your face. Your perfect life partner. In you James saw the burly monster in the raw for who you were and  from the get go. Straight up no chaser, he loved you out of the gate. He was your number one guy, ready to go through the thick and thin with you.  Oh Cyrus, he was not to be disrespected; you would always know what was on his mind, until you wouldn’t.  Dearest James, Cyrus’ brains, his genius and political savvy attracted you, but his heart kept you because it was weak for you. Despite everything you would live to know that you were his weakness and would be for the rest of your life, and that would be the downfall of the both of you. In another place, another time, the two of you and your chubby baby Ella would be happy as three pigs in a poke, but that’s not the case is it? You both constantly walked into the bright lights, the pull and the power of the big city and bathed in its sins. You were both good people. You were with the right person. It was the wrong time and circumstance for you to survive. Your reactions put in motions that will haunt you forever. James, you will be missed but you had to know at some point while dying in the streets with your killer looking on, your loving husbands reactions are to blame. Your reactions to his was a major contributing factor. Always the good reporter. Cyrus, for you my heart aches, your gut wrenching cries were so touching and true, I solidly feel for you.


Girl, you are surrounded by monsters and who do you call? The beast originating Mastadon. C’mon girlie pops has a plan to use you to bring down this POTUS. You called daddy dearest to lend you his shoulder to lean on. Didn’t quite go the way you wanted, did it? On the other hand, you’ve gained insight to the monster that once shared your bed. Yes you are surrounded by those void of humanity; moral fiber; and lack basic common sense. You tell them to go left and right they go. Put your white hat back on honey, clean the smudges off, ask forgiveness for your  own backsliding ways and save the republic.   Spread your salvation to anyone that will listen. Lie to your friends for their own good. You  are the Queen of the Gladiators, keep it right there, get ready to fight the good fight. Your warriors are waiting. You’re still my girl, ok this week!

Parental Units

Momma Mia and Poppa Pope. The best thing you ever did together was make a baby. After that, everything went up in smoke, bombs, sniper attacks, etc. So Poppa you are responsible for the deaths of 183 souls? Wifey has you beat with over 300 in one pop. It was personal. She gets the beast crown this week. Marie Wallace aka Momma Mia you have solid negotiations skills. Whatever you got hooked up into with Adnan Salif, you even have that enemy of the state scared. So am I. As you were!

Mel Oh Dee

(Emphasis on the OHHH) Gurl, you got you some!! Go Mellie, get your freak on! My girl Eileen said you ain’t had none since Clinton was in office, but we know that is not quite true. We all remember the awkward near rape scenes where you took advantage of a drunken POTUS to get knocked up with the phantom baby you call Teddy. Or was that the year before? Digression aside, couldn't you have made it to a bed? You were inches away from the couch! Eager beaver Senator McSexy didn't wait for you to dispute this tete' this time. Getting pile driven on the floor after only having a half a glass of wine is no way for a lady to be treated. Right? How do the two of you look at each other in the morning? You're going to do it again, aren't you???  Do you remotely remember the speech about keeping your knees together to your husband's whore. What does that make you now? Judge not flotus.  

Huckleberry Quinn

I've waited so long for you two to come to Jesus I really don't care right now. Your foreplay was so awkward and uncomfortable to watch.  thank you for acting out this whole Kermit the Frog/Ms Piggy thing out on screen. Everybody knows Froggy is doing  the Piggy but nobody wants to see that!! Quinn, give it up, come home stop denying your birthright as a Gladiator. You are annoying as hell but your talents will be best served at OPA.  Huck gives you what you want (him on a platter)  and you play hard to get. *In my Robin Thicke voice* You know you want it, you know you want it!!  Play Long. Play wrong. Huck, you played yourself. Bad form! you will get the girl in the end. Hang in there.

Will the Real White Hat Stand Up?

David, it must suck to be you. You got smudges on your hat too, right. Knock them off, put on your big boy suit and go on living. Liv is right, fight the good fight, the right fight, the one with a team, not one you can't win. Go along to get along right now, you are not the Lone Ranger; Tonto told you she had your back.  Regroup and come back with a plan.  You can do it.  


It must suck MORE being you.  You sacrificed never getting the cookie again for protecting the Republic and not many people will care because they will all be after you for revenge.  Liv understands although she doesn't want to who you are and what you are, but I don't think that's going to be enough to maintain your fake relationships. You are interesting yet complex.  Somebody is going to be gunning for you, and soon. No disrespect

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