306: Icarus

The Collective “O”

Cyrus, I thought you, Mellie and Fitz were going to have a group orgasm when the “announcement” came that “She’s here,” (You know; Saint Olivia Pope?) You thought she was going to be a good little girl, jump back in the game, two Gucci Pumps in,  Pope Strut strong, be a good team player because “She Wins elections”   ok, did everybody have to say that? Cyrus, you mean ass, you must have sensed something was awry when you made the idiotic attempt to remember the story of “Icarus” while  comparing it to OCP; as the winged mistress flew too high to the sun.  She blew your collective boners after having a moment with the President she decided, she can’t work for him.  Mad Mellie and Cyrus he beast retreat to bitchmode; again! The two of you need to get into the hooch, but take two aspirin first; you will feel better in the morning!

Josie Marcus

Way to lose all the sugary sweetness and get some salt running through your all American blood, huh? Got a temper? Really? Wait until you find out that your daughter/sister is now pregnant with your grandson! Right now, you represent OCP’s passion, first female POTUS, which is good.  I’m going to have to warn you, you are not going get too many chances to try to out Pope the Pope and her team.  Be a good girl and just do what she says, why? Because “She wins elections!” Ask the President.


Exit Huckleberry Quinn as we C Harley Quinn? That was just for you Batman fans.  Quinn, do we have a new partnership brewing?  Is there another psychotic trained killer with a penchant for whiskey in your future?   It looks like Charley is gunning to be your new Batman; my advice kicks this Joker to the curb with quickness. (lol!)You don’t have the thirst you think you do; you want no part of this. Once Command the puppet master gets his claws in you, you are his forever, wuhhahhahhaha! (I was just projecting)   You are the thing to avoid, like Huck does , the thing you don’t look in the eye, like Huck doesn’t; and you are  like that annoying commercial for the animated series that used to come on Sunday nights momma, momma momma, momma,  momma,  momma, mommee,  momma….  I get it; your dad all but rejected you after your trial and all. You were accused of killing your fiancĂ© who got blown to smithereens, during this whole Defiance deal and you’ve trained like a happy lapdog under a walking murderholic who spurns you like last week’s serial killer.  Now you want another crazy pulling your leash? Damn girl, do you! Do what you do, enjoy the ride, your life as you know it is over if you hook up with Command and his minions.  Huckleberry Quinn is not forever lost!


You are an aspiring media whore. You thought you were the next big thing and used your matrimonial partnership to preemptively precipitate your propelled path; to which you totally crashed and burned!  You let Cinderella give you what for on your own show?  Grow some Barbara Walter’s sized balls, get your head in the game, or go back to the little league.   The Twinkie was right after all; annoying as hell, but she was right.  You are a fraud and you perpetuated fraud! Go and melt into the arms of your shameless monster. Dude, Fox is calling! 

Poppa Command

Let’s see; who do you control this week.  Fitz the POTUS and (maybe an unwitting) air force pilot.  He clearly has Command Envy; he is doing his level best to destroy you and all you stand for.  It’s clear he doesn’t know the rules, because Cyrus has to consistently remind him that if your two paths intersect, there would be hell to pay. What do you stand for again, oh yeah, the Republic.  You get in a piss fight of power where you both use others to do your bidding. Not now, nor never was the President ever B613, but he was at some point under your “leadership”, because he knew where to find you, in the shadows. Why are you so interested in keeping Fitz in office? Is this a promise or a plan? Cyrus Bean; is he your former student? Were you a teacher, or are we talking about the CIA? Does he know OCP is your daughter; he still refers to her as Olivia Pope. What’s up with that? Your daughter; how do you live with yourself knowing she fears you will kill her or people she cares about, or that she sees you as “that thing that goes bump in the night?”  She has good reason to fear you, that’s not a healthy relationship DAD!  There’s mounting evidence that you killed her mom, I’m still holding out that someone else did it though, but too many roads lead to you.  (Shonda think she’s for slick on this one) I believed when you said you didn’t give the order to have her mom killed. I’m certain however you knew something about it and, I believe you are trying to protect your daughter, but from what?   By the way in the back scenes when you were “preparing” to tell Olivia the news, you looked like some unnatural creature from the UniverSoul circus, not a good look for you. All too fake! No wonder Maya ran!  Huck and Jake – you promised you wouldn’t have them killed – so what was the horny SpyChicky in the alley about to give Jake?  Hot alley sex or a one way first class ticket to heaven?  I think you set these boys up, I think Huck more than Jake has a little bit more heat on your trail than ever.  You can’t be trusted now, can you? 
CharleyQuinn – what are you spying on this chick, why is she important to you and why is it important that she “bloom”?  It looks like the survival rate for female B613 agents is not very encouraging, look out baby Huck!


Man, are you really that stupid? No wonder the ladies took it into their hands formed an allegiance with the bitch of a beast and the devil himself to get you elected. The hits just keep on knocking you down, don’t they?  You actually thought in your heart of hearts that OCP would go with you on the campaign trail? We can try to be us again. Define “us?”  If I recall, you were the one playing Fitzthemaster Boot knocker, had my girl on the wall, on the desk, on the plane, in somebody elses house, over the…ok, sorry I digress, but you get my point.  Us my Ass! Oh and another thing, in the middle of all this DRAMA  drag your Presidentially swollen gonads to OCP’s place knowing she’s pissed at you. Newsflash Fitzbo – you don’t get to get anywhere near the cookie if you are accused of killing the mom of your Cookie’s cookie!  Take your arrogance down a bit because  the  woman you portend to love so much you know the one  you will forgive of anything does not return your sentiments in this case.

Baby Pope

Mommy issues. Daddy issues.  “I can’t form attachments to people because my mom is dead and my dad is that thing that goes bump in the night!” You were 12; your mom went out the door; looking fabulous as ever I might add in her classic pencil skirt, pastel blazer, clutching her overnight Louis Vuitton bag; stating she was going to call you and daddy when she landed @ Heathrow. You listened to your music, as any distracted and disengaged teenager would. Your mom held you and hugged you as if she knew it would be the last time she would be able to .  I love you, she told you, bye mom you responded. You paid attention, you replayed that moment over and over again in your mind, wishing you could have said more. You have been in a daze ever since hearing about your mom .  You asked your father questions while in a drunken state. He granted you the answer to one of your uncomfortable questions to which you responded with “Did you give the order to have my mother killed?”  Bonnnnk, girlie, wrong question, I believe he answered truthfully when he responded he didn’t have her killed. You asked the wrong question. You should have asked the Fitz question first which would have been the answer to the question you DID ask, thus implementing himself.  I thought you were a lawyer? Go back to your wine, or reminisce on your fruit loops and the sweet memories of your mom over and over. When she resurfaces in a few weeks alive, it’s going to blow your mind.  (328)


I’ve been missing you boo.  Other than delivering some whopper lines,  you’ve been the man with the key behind the scenes; with the bat; the one stressing and keeping things together while all hell has broken loose around you. You’re a cool customer now aren’t you?  I’ve been telling you for the longest I’m going to need some of you in my life.  I see you got trouble coming.  Now, I have the chance to help you.  I’m going to drive up to the set, you hop in the boot and we will drive off into the sunset to a secret location.  Inbox me so we can work on the deets!  I won’t hurt you,  er not much, but at least you will have a smile on your face, I’m not sure what Adnan Salif has planned for you, but from the look on your face, it doesn’t look good. Listen, you’re too loyal to Liv to go rogue on this, stay with the team, there is safety in numbers.  Trust them. Trouble is on its way.

Sad Sally

Porbrecita (poor thing) You and hubby Danny have been called, holy hillbillies, bible bullies, etc.  but lookit, your husband‘s boy parts are going to be needed in the coming weeks to play some FLOTUS tag.  Mellie’s not going to be a shrew without a screw for long.  You’ve been hoodwinked by a Pastor who is getting a little more than support from you in the collection plate.

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